Hey there, have you ever heard of Snapchat Best Friend Planets? They’re an excellent feature on Snapchat that shows you who your closest pals are in a fun way. 

Snapchat Best Friend Planets are like virtual planets assigned to your best friends on Snapchat. Each planet represents how close you are to that friend, with the closest one being your best friend. It’s a fun way to see who your top buddies are on the app.

In this article, we’ll talk about what they are, how they work, and why they’re neat on the app.

Understanding Snapchat Planets – Learn More About It!

Source: wikihow

Snapchat Planets are a fun and creative way for users to see their closest friends in the app. Imagine your Snapchat friends as planets orbiting around you, just like planets orbit the sun in space. These planets represent the people you interact with the most, making them your digital besties.

1. Friend Solar System Concept:

Think of Snapchat as your mini solar system. You’re like the sun; your friends are the planets revolving around you. This idea helps visualize your friendships coolly, making it easier to see who’s important to you in the Snapchat world.

2. Assigning Planets to Friends:

Your friends get assigned planets based on how much you talk to them and share stuff on Snapchat. Your very best friend gets the closest planet, like Mercury, while others are placed farther away depending on how close you are. It’s like giving each friend their particular spot in your digital universe.

3. Emojis and Symbolism:

Each planet comes with emojis that show the vibe of your Friendship. Hearts, stars, and moons add a touch of fun and show how much you care about each friend. These emojis make the Friend Solar System colourful and give it a personal touch.

4. Interactive Visualization:

The best part is you can explore your Friend’s Solar System! It’s like taking a trip through space but with your friends. You can see who’s closest to you and how your friendships compare. It’s a neat way to feel connected and see your social circle in a new light.

The Order And Meaning Of Snapchat Planets (2024) – Find Out More!

Breaks down each Snapchat Planet in simple terms:

1. Mercury: 

This planet represents your best friend on Snapchat, the one you talk to the most. The emoji next to Mercury usually shows five red hearts.

Imagine these hearts as symbols of how much you care about each other, like when you send lots of heart emojis in your messages to show love and closeness.

2. Venus: 

Venus is like your second-best friend on Snapchat. The emoji next to Venus might have pink, yellow, and blue hearts. It’s like a colourful friendship party! These hearts show that your bond is fun and full of different emotions, just like the colours.

3. Earth: 

Earth represents your third-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji shows Earth with a moon, stars, and red hearts around it. Think of it as a cozy night under the stars with your friend, where the hearts show how much you enjoy each other’s company.

4. Mars: 

Mars is your fourth-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji usually has stars and hearts in purple and blue colours around the red planet. It’s like a space adventure with your friend, where the hearts show the excitement and joy you share.

5. Jupiter: 

Jupiter is your fifth-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji might show an orange planet with stripes and stars around it. It’s like having a warm and reliable friend who’s always there for you, and the stars represent the bright moments you’ve shared.

6. Saturn: 

Saturn is your sixth-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji often shows an orange planet with a ring and stars. It’s like having a unique and special friend, just like the ring around Saturn. The stars remind you of the good times you’ve had together.

7. Uranus: 

Uranus is your seventh-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji might show a green planet without any hearts. It’s like having a friend who’s a bit more distant but still vital to you. Even without hearts, the Earth shows there’s a connection between you.

8. Neptune: 

Neptune is your eighth-best friend on Snapchat. Its emoji usually shows a blue planet without any extra symbols. It’s like having a friend who’s a bit farther away but still part of your circle. The blue planet reminds you of the calm and relaxed vibe of your Friendship.

How Does Snapchat’s Friend Solar System Work? – Read More!

Source: youtube

Snapchat’s Friend Solar System is a fun game on the app that helps you see who your closest friends are. To play this game, subscribe to Snapchat Plus, a particular version of Snapchat that gives you extra features.

1. Accessing Your Friend Solar System:

Once you’re subscribed to Snapchat Plus, you’ll see a special badge when you visit a friend’s profile. This badge has a gold outline and says “Best Friends” or “Friends.”

If it says Best Friends, it means you and that friend are each other’s top eight best friends. If it says Friends, it means you’re in their top eight, but they’re not in yours. Taping on this badge shows you which planet you are in their Friend Solar System.

2. Understanding Badge Differences:

The Best Friends badge means you’re super close to that person, while the Friends badge means you’re still good friends but maybe not as close. 

3. Interpreting Your Position:

A planet represents each friend in your Friend’s Solar System. The Earth shows how close you are to that friend compared to your friends. For example, if the planet Jupiter represents you, you’re the fifth closest friend to that person.

4. Planet Representation:

Snapchat makes it even more fun by adding emojis and colours to each planet. These emojis show how you feel about that friend. For example, if red hearts represent Mercury, you like that friend and talk to them often.

5. Subscription Requirement:

Remember, you can only play this game if you subscribe to Snapchat Plus. You will only see this cool stuff if you subscribe.

Comparing Snapchat Planets To Other Apps – Stay With Us!

1. Comparison Context:

Understanding how Snapchat’s friend-ranking feature fits into the broader landscape of social media platforms is crucial. We’ll examine how other popular apps handle friend ranking to see where Snapchat stands out or blends in.

2. Similar Features on Competing Apps:

Many social media platforms offer ways to rank or categorize friends. For example, Instagram’s Close Friends feature lets you share stories with a select group, while Facebook’s Friendship Pages show shared content between you and a friend. WhatsApp also has a similar feature, allowing users to create broadcast lists to send messages to multiple contacts simultaneously.

3. Comparison Criteria:

When comparing Snapchat Planets to these features, we’ll consider factors like how easy it is to use, how much control users have over who sees their rankings, and whether it enhances the overall social media experience. These criteria help users understand what to look for when deciding which platform’s friend-ranking feature suits their needs best.

4. Strengths of Snapchat Planets:

Snapchat’s Planets might stand out due to their playful emojis, straightforward interface, or integration with other Snapchat features like Streaks and Bitmojis. Users might appreciate the simplicity and visual appeal of Snapchat’s approach compared to other platforms.

5. Weaknesses of Snapchat Planets:

However, some users might find limitations in Snapchat’s friend-ranking feature, such as a lack of customization options or privacy concerns. It’s essential to acknowledge areas where Snapchat could improve to provide a better user experience.

6. User Preferences and Feedback:

By gathering user feedback, we can gain insights into what they like or dislike about Snapchat Planets compared to similar features on other platforms. Understanding user preferences helps us identify trends and areas for improvement.

7. Future Developments and Trends:

How do friend-ranking features evolve across social media platforms?  This could involve predicting trends such as increased personalization, improved privacy controls, or integration with emerging technologies like augmented reality.

Making The Most Of Snapchat Best Friend Planets – Discover More!

1. Understanding the Feature: 

You need to know how they work to make the most of Snapchat Best Friend Planets. This means learning how to find them on your Snapchat app, understanding what each planet represents (like who your closest friends are), and knowing the emojis that accompany them.

2. Maintaining and Nurturing Friendships: 

Making the most of Snapchat Best Friend Planets is about strengthening friendships. It’s like watering a plant – you must give your friends attention to help them grow. This could mean sending snaps or messages regularly, starting streaks to keep the conversation going, or just checking in to see how your friends are doing.

3. Personalizing Your Interactions: 

This is about making your messages and snaps special for each friend. For example, if someone is your best friend, you might use heart emojis or reference things only you two understand. It’s like adding your unique flavour to your conversations.

4. Organizing Your Social Circle: 

Imagine your Snapchat Best Friend Planets, like a map of your friendships. By knowing who your closest friends are, you can spend more time with them. This might mean setting aside specific time to chat or hang out or just making sure you’re always there for each other.

5. Exploring Additional Features: 

Snapchat has lots of cool stuff to try besides Best Friend Planets. You can join group chats with friends, share stories about your day, or play around with fun filters and effects on your snaps. Exploring these features can make your Snapchat experience even more fun and exciting.

Looking To The Future Of Snapchat Planets – Getting More Information!

Source: thewatchtower

As we think about what’s next for Snapchat Planets, there are a bunch of exciting possibilities:

1. Even More Personalization: 

Snapchat might make Snapchat Planets even more personal. That means the Friend Solar System could get more thoughtful about who your best friends are. Instead of just looking at how much you talk to someone, consider what you talk about or what you both like.

2. Cool Stuff with Augmented Reality (AR): 

Snapchat is all about fun with AR, so they might bring that to Snapchat Planets. Imagine if you could see your Snapchat friends as little planets floating around in a virtual space, and the more you chat with someone, the closer your planets get.

3. Turning Friendship into a Game: 

Snapchat might turn to keep in touch with friends into a game. They could give out rewards or trophies for staying connected with your besties. It could make Snapchat even more fun and encourage people to stay close to their friends.

4. Making Snapchat Even More Social: 

Snapchat is always looking for ways to help people connect, so they might add more ways for friends to hang out on Snapchat Planets. You can see how your different friend groups overlap or even chat with multiple friends simultaneously.

5. Keeping Your Privacy Safe: 

Snapchat knows how important privacy is, so they might add more ways for you to control who sees your Snapchat Planets. You can choose who can see your Friend’s Solar System and how Snapchat uses your chats to determine your best friends.

6. Linking up with Other Apps: 

Snapchat could collaborate with other social media apps to make Snapchat Planets even more relaxed. This could let you connect with all your friends from different apps in one place, making it easier to keep in touch.

7. Listening to What You Want: 

Snapchat is good at listening to its users’ wants, so they’ll keep doing that with Snapchat Planets. They might change things based on what people say they like or don’t like, so it’s always getting better.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I customize my Snapchat Best Friend Planets?

While users cannot customize the planets’ appearance, Snapchat allows for some personalization within the app, such as selecting custom emojis to represent each friend.

2. Is Snapchat Best Friend Planets available to all users?

Snapchat Best Friend Planets are part of the Snapchat Plus subscription, which offers additional features and benefits beyond the standard Snapchat experience. Users can access this feature by subscribing to Snapchat Plus.

3. Can other people see my Snapchat Best Friend Planets?

Your Snapchat Best Friend Planets are private and visible only to you within the app. Other users cannot see your friend’s solar system or your best friend’s order.


So, Snapchat Best Friend Planets are a fun way to see who your best friends are on Snapchat. They make it easy to see your closest pals at a glance and add a fun twist to using the app.

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